Dear divers,
We are currently working on giving our online store a long overdue spring clean and have just added gift vouchers and aircards to our product catalogue.

Our gift vouchers are available in the following denominations £10, £20, £50 and £100 and can be redeemed against anything from shiny new scuba gear, to rentals, air fills and even servicing.
You can also grab an aircard online now, which cuts out the need to bring cash or other mode of payment to the shop when you swing by for your fills but best of all it saves you money.

Each card is good for fifty fills and the price per fill works out at £3.75 for a 232bar, £4.13 for a 300bar and £5.25 for a BA fill.
Our standard price per fill is £5 for 232bar (£4.50 if you are a buddycard holder), £5.50 for 300bar and £7 for a BA fill, so a nice little saving to be made by pre paying for your air.
Although none of us are able to go out diving right now, once the lockdown measures are lifted the local dive sites will be absolutely buzzing and we can’t wait!

As a collective we should make sure that once we are all allowed to get back out diving we do so with a renewed vim and vigour both for the sport but also for our own local diving community and businesses.
These are anxious times globally not just for the for the scuba industry but for everyone. However this is also a great opportunity to rethink and change how we do things locally. It should be our collective aim to make sure that no local diving business has to close their doors permanently because of Covid-19. The way to prevent that from happening is obviously to support all the great wee scuba businesses and dive charters that we are blessed to have here in Scotland. Our Scottish diving community is awesome so lets all endeavour to keep that community strong and help it bounce back after this horrible ordeal is over.

We are stepping up our social media game here at Aquatron HQ and will be blogging more regularly from now on and hopefully vlogging in the not too distant future as well, so keep your eyes peeled.
We would love to know what kind of content you would like us to create so if you have any ideas please leave a comment below or shoot us an email at [email protected]

Happy weekend divers, have a good one and stay safe!